The fee for this course is $1950.
2025 RSO Course Dates in Arlington, TX:
February 3 – 7, 2025 – Arlington, TX [course cancelled]
June 9 – 13, 2025 – Arlington, TX [register online]
Additional training or experience may be required for some licensees, such as radiographers, well loggers, NORM decon service providers, and medical care providers.
The course is designed to provide the technical and practical information needed to prepare a person to be an effective radiation safety officer. It will also be useful as general introductory training for anyone who works with radioactive materials or who may be required to be an alternate radiation safety officer.
Topics to be covered include atomic structure, properties of ionizing radiation, shielding, radiation and biological effects of radiation exposure, radiation detection and measurement, state and federal regulations, dosimetry, emergency procedures, records/documentation and transportation regulations. The course outline is available below in PDF format.
Registration: You can register online, via fax or by telephone. If you choose to register online, please see the link next to the dates you are interested in attending.
La Quinta Inn & Suites
4001 Scots Legacy Drive
Arlington, Texas 76015
United States
We recommend that course attendees, should they be arriving outside the local area, stay at the hotel where the course is being held. You will need to book your room reservation separately.
Continuing Education Units: The course is approved for Continuing Units by the American Academy of Health Physics, The American Society of Radiologic Technologists and the American Board of Industrial Hygiene. For the American Academy of Health Physics, the units granted are 32 C.E. Units, for the ASRT, it is 30.5 units and for the ABIH, it is 4.5 CM points. We will apply for Continuing Education Credits from other organizations if you will contact us at least 45 days prior to taking the course. Approval from other organizations is usually easy to get but some require that application be made prior to the course.
If you would like to receive a course outline by fax, please call us or see the Outline in PDF format.
Is this course what I need to become a Radiation Safety Officer? We are often asked a question similar to the following. “Does your Radiation Safety Officer course fulfill the training requirements of my state for becoming an RSO?” In many cases it will, but for reasons that will be explained below, there is no simple answer to this question.
The responsibilities of a Radiation Safety Officer vary enormously from very slight as in the case of a business with one or two sealed sources, to a hospital that uses x-rays and nuclear medicine for treatment of patients. Obviously the training requirements of the latter will be far greater than for the former. The best source of information about training requirements for a particular case will be the regulatory agency that oversees your organization. In general, the regulatory agencies look at education and experience as well as considering short training courses such as ours. Also, the training requirements are not uniform in the various states.
It is also important to note that the federal government and most states do not review, approve or evaluate radiation safety courses. However, the state of New Mexico does have a approved list and our course has been approved by the State of New Mexico. Perhaps the best way to evaluate a Radiation Safety Officer course is to consider the qualifications of the instructors and also recommendations from those who have previously attended the course. Our instructors are well qualified and have either Certification as a Health Physicist or have an advanced degree in that or a closely related field. Nevada Technical Associates, Inc., has been offering this course for 12 years.