Radiation Safety Officer Training Course, Medical Emphasis – Kansas City, Missouri

Radiation Safety Officer Training Course, Medical Emphasis – Kansas City, Missouri

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Home » Radiation Safety Officer Training Course, Medical Emphasis – Kansas City, Missouri

rso missouri courseKansas City , Missouri (Course fee $1950).

Course Date: There are no course dates currently scheduled for this course.

Course Location: The course will be held at Drury Inn and Suites Kansas City Airport, 7900 Northwest Tiffany Springs, Kansas City, MO 64153. Their telephone number is 816-880-9700 and website is www.druryhotels.com

Registration – You may register online, via fax or by telephone. To register online, click on the link beside the course date above.

This Radiation Safety Officer Training course, with medical emphasis, is designed to provide the technical and practical information needed to prepare a person to be an effective radiation safety officer. It will also be useful as general introductory training for anyone who works with radioactive materials or who may be required to be an alternate radiation safety officer. The instructor has substantial experience in a medical setting.

A course outline is available in PDF format.

Topics to be covered include atomic structure, properties of ionizing radiation, shielding, radiation and biological effects of radiation exposure, radiation detection and measurement, state and federal regulations, dosimetry, emergency procedures, records/documentation and transportation regulations. The medical emphasis of the course will cover the therapeutic uses of radiation, such as for prostate cancer, microspheres, dealing with radioactive patients, patient decontamination and medical evaluations. The course will also discuss Fluoroscopy Safety and a review of accident causes and recent accidents. The applicable regulations will also be discussed.

Is this course what one needs to become a Radiation Safety Officer? It is important to note that this course alone will not normally qualify one to become a Radiation Safety Officer at a hospital. The regulatory agency will look at the total education and experience of the applicant. If you are interested in becoming a hospital RSO, you should contact the regulatory authority of your state for the detailed regulations that apply. There are many different types of Radiation Safety Officers with varying requirements. In general the education and experience necessary to become a Radiation Safety Officer at a hospital is quite high. The regulations governing this are complex and there is more than one way to fulfill those requirements. More information can be found on the website of the Health Physics Society. To give some examples, an M.D. radiologist would probably have no difficulty or very little difficulty in getting approval of the regulatory agency to become a hospital RSO. A nuclear medicine technician with two years of higher education and several years experience in nuclear medicine would probably not be approved to become a hospital RSO even with the course we offer. This we consider to be the general case. There may be exceptions, especially for small clinics with minor uses of x-ray equipment. The ultimate decision maker in these cases is the regulatory agency and we can’t predict with certainty what they may decide.

C.E.U. Credit: This course has been granted 32 Continuing Education Units by the American Academy of Health Physics. The American Board of Industrial Hygiene has awarded this course 5 CM points. The American Sociey of Radiologic Technicians (ASRT) has approved this course for 30.50 continuing education credits.

Units from the ASRT may be important to California residents because the state of California accepts these units in its program of continuing education required for renewing permits and certificates in radiologic technology.