Dr. Hermon Rao is President of Nuclear Technology Services, Inc., a full service calibration and radiological laboratory in Roswell, Georgia. He has over 25 years experience in the nuclear industry, mostly in the nuclear power industry.
Dr. Andrew Karam Dr. Andrew Karam is a Certified Health Physicist with over 35 years of experience in his field and with over 30 years of experience as an educator for military, university, and professional students as well as over 15 years of experience teaching for NTA. Dr. Karam’s experience includes 8 years in the Navy’s Nuclear Power Program, including managing the radiation safety program on a nuclear attack submarine during the Cold War. He has also worked as a regulator for the State of Ohio, served as the Manager of Radiological Services for an environmental consulting company, and served as Radiation Safety Officer at the University of Rochester for several years – in addition to starting up and running a radiological consulting company for several years. Most recently, he has worked in New York City on topics relating to radiological and nuclear counterterrorism and emergency response planning. This last set of skills was put to use when he traveled to Japan in the aftermath of the nuclear accident in Fukushima to provide assistance to medical and emergency responders. In addition to his work, Dr. Karam has authored over two dozen scientific publications, a number of book chapters, 17 books for general audiences, and several hundred magazine, blog, and encyclopedia articles on various aspects of science – not to mention his many scientific and technical presentations to both scientific and general audiences. Dr. Karam is also active in his profession, having served on the Board of Directors of his professional organization (the Health Physics Society) and he currently serves as the Website Manager for the International Radiation Protection Association.
Kenneth Smith is currently Executive Director of Environmental Health and Safety for the University of California Office of the President. He was a Radiation Safety Officer for a research university has over 10 years of experience teaching Radiation Safety Courses. Ken is a Certified Health Physicist as well as a certified Laser Safety Officer. He has a B.A. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of California at Santa Cruz and graduate coursework in Health Physics from San Jose State University and Georgia Institute of Technology. Ken co-authored the chapter on transportation of radioactive materials in the 6th edition of Basic Radiation Protection Technology by Daniel Gollnick. Ken will be serving as a member of the American delegation to the IAEA International Conference on the Security of Radioactive Material in December 2018.
Bridget Smith teaches Radioactive Materials Transportation and Radiation Safety courses for Nevada Technical Associates. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of California Santa Cruz and has completed coursework in radiation protection. Bridget is the co-author of the chapter on transportation of radioactive materials in the 6th edition of Basic Radiation Protection Technology by Daniel Gollnick. She serves as secretary for the San Diego chapter of the Health Physics Society.
Dr. Roger Sit is the Radiation Safety Officer at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He is a board-certified Health Physicist and has a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of California at Berkeley. He was previously employed at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the University of California, San Francisco; and has more than 25 years of experience in research, medical, and accelerator health physics.
Charles W. Scott is a Certified Health Physicist and is the RSO for Oak Ridge Associated Universities. He was previously employed by the Savannah River Site and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. He has an MPH from the University of South Carolina in Industrial Hygiene/Health Physics and a BS from The Citadel. He has more than 20 years experience in radiation protection including experience in Decontamination and Decommissioning.
Dr. Don Hastings received his Ph.D. in nuclear chemistry from the University of Missouri. He has developed and taught training courses in industrial radiography and related subjects. He has worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory and at Mound Laboratory in Miamisburg, Ohio. He was formerly Executive Director of the American Soceity for Nondestructive Testing, in Columbus, Ohio.
Dr. Thomas Morgan Dr. Thomas Morgan is a Certified Health Physicist with more than 25 years’ experience in Radiation Safety. Dr. Morgan has managed radiation protection programs as Radiation Safety Officer at major universities and medical centers as well as commercial manufacturing and distribution facilities. He has authored more than 35 publications in the fields of human cancer genetics, radiation therapy health outcomes and radiation safety. Dr. Morgan holds a Ph.D. in Radiological Sciences (Medical Physics) and is licensed to practice Medical Health Physics in New York and Florida. He is currently an independent consultant based in Sarasota, Florida
Instructors Wanted – We welcome resumes from those who may be interested in teaching short courses similar to the ones we offer. We are especially interested in instructors who can teach courses that we do not currently offer. Certification in Health Physics or an advanced degree in a closely related field are minimum requirements. This is a part time position only and can best be filled by someone who is currently employed but who has the time to work a few weeks each year in our courses.